K ulturwissenschaftliches Institut für Europaforschung

    Lüneburg, 07.Mai 2004

    Europe as a public sphere of communication
    Marie Fabiunke

    Enlightenment and Europe Contemporary philosophical views
    Ulrike Gerhardt

    Conflicts - Differences - Borders - Cooperation
    Anna Micula

    A new Europe requires a laboratory of democracy
    Andrea Strauchs

    Meta-Dialogue of contemporary literature
    Maris Saar - Melanie Fröhlich

    Constructions of Europe in the print-media
    Birte Bachmann - Margareta Mensch- Kaidi Tago - Ulrike Pastoor

    Nation-Branding or identity what comes first?
    Christian Droste - Ellu Maar- Thorsten Heimann - Merle Visak - Anja Göbel - Christina Frank

    The Recreation of the Hansa - how one benefits from it
    Maarja Pöld - Tiit Remm

    Dynamic and traditional aspects of european identities
    Auli Kütt - Verena Holz

    Brother where art thou?
    The construction and mirroring of the self by art photography
    Martina Harzendorf - Laura Kuusk - Polina Stroganova

    Shifting boundaries:
    identity in/of european film and visual art
    Nina Brodowski - Katre Pörn - Alo Joosepson - Marlene Heidel

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